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Hear It From Me

Woman Sitting on Roof

I started a blog that I hope is 100% not about me.

Sounds weird right?

Well it is weird.  But the way that people forget how beautiful and majestic a sunset is, is weird.  Having a glorious life is about connecting to what matters in this world and letting everything else fall away...well not to far.  It's great to be all inspirational quotes and fun, Instgram worthy pictures, but that's not real life.

  Real Life is knowing how to budget your money.

Real Life is time management.

Real Life is 5 year, 10 year, 20 year life goals.

Real Life is figuring out how to do real life while still appreciating every sunrise because time is too short to forget to live a glorious life.  

This is a training blog.  Doing the hardwork while living the glorious life.

Join Me.

-Glorious Life

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