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Writer's pictureGlow

Education Motivation

I love FALL! It's the best season in my opinion. No stifing heat, cute attires, warm comforting food and drink flavors, family centered holidays. But at the same time, I often struggle to wake up motivated to start my day once there is that cold nip in the air in the mornings. My bed swallows me whole. The dimmer mornings and evenings don't help my motitivation level. Ever look at your watch and not reconcile that it's only 6:30pm but your already in for the night? Well I say all that because I'm so grateful to live in a time in our life that online classes are a legitimate thing. I may not feel like running out the house while it's still dark, or leaving the house once the sunsets, but I CAN still make significant strides to my career goals. My laptop can comfortably sit on my lap while I'm in my bed. My tablet can go to those fall tournaments for the kids while I still support my children's activities. Its the best of both worlds.

If you've been thinking about starting or finishing your education, my advise is....try.

I'm not perfect and neither tare you. BUT we can try to aim higher in life with having the right creditials for the career we want. Maybe the disinterest of traveling to campus at night is your stopping block. For me it was, for you it could be time, money, resources...whatever it is just start the research, start the conversation, take 5 minutes of brainstorming with a college recruiter. #JustTry, #FALLMotivation

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