It's fall.
Everyone is feeling sick in some form or another.
My kids' teacher sent home a note reminding parents of the increase in classroom sicknesses and the importance to keeping kids home.
So....everyone's sick. No ones is well.
What do you do in order to still live a "glow life"?
Thank you for asking! Because rest and wellness is a significant part of living a glorious life. Having time to heal this past week and a half has given me opportunities to read books, do online shopping, list various crafts I want to do, start planning my year 2020, caught up on relevant news outside my small neighborhood, etc.
But it also allowed me to sleep in.
Stay at home and watch the streaming version of my church service.
Realize how uncomfortable my bed is...and is it really 7 years old? (Sneak answer...yes)
So while I may have spent a good time sleeping, and knocking back DayQuil and checking on my sick kiddos, I also spent time with myself in the quiet of my house. I dreamed dreams. Made plans, and envisioned futures that my hectic life my sometimes not allow.
In a way I'm glad sickness made me slow down.
How do you envision your 'glow life' working out during times of mandatory rest?