You know what is worse than failure?
Yep, you heard me right.
It's the "would have, should have, could have" statements that haunt you during your quiet times.
I believe every person sets a goal. For my 9 year old son its to be the greatest video game player EVER...and bless his little heart he would try to accomplish that goal 24/7 if I let him. But as adults are there goals you set when you were younger that you just never even tried because life got in the way?
That's the weird thing about life though. Its precious time that can never be recouped.
So maybe your goal is to swim with the sharks, being in an executive position at a company, finish that high school diploma...whatever it is, until its your last breathe don't keep settling for disappointments and regrets.
Write down your goals on a piece of paper. Tack that paper on your wall. Walk by that paper everyday and start making little steps to accomplishing those goals.
Try to reach your goals. The ones you wrote on that paper, because I can tell you now that have a few weeks, months and yeck years you'll be sorely tempted to compromise. It'll start off innocently enough with inner doubts. The inner naysayer voice will tell you: "your art is not good enough and it'll never be good enough, don't waste your money on classes and workshops," and before you know it you're compromise again and you'll be full of regret and resentment. Keep that paper on your wall with the original goals and keep telling yourself why you want it. Keep planning. Keep working. Keep trying.
Because in the end....there is something worse than failure.
It's regret.