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  • Writer's pictureGlow

Drawing the boundaries

A year and half ago I made a big mistake.

I mixed business and family.

I originally didn't want to do it. But when you have a close family member begging you in your face you can cave with desiring to be a good support to your blood relative.

I caved.

I don't need to tell you how it all ended. You can watch 15+ years of daytime judge shows if you want examples of how family and business tends to end. But the lesson it taught me was that drawing boundaries isn't an ideal its the basic standard. There's so many quips and examples and details that this experience taught me that has grown me to be a better person.

I'm grateful for those lessons. I'm sad that a repercussion with family relations was a side affect. But I'm pretty sure time heals all things and at the end of the day I'll deal with my side of the emotional roller coaster.

How about you? What lessons do you wish you didn't have to learn thru first hand experience?

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