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  • Writer's pictureGlow

Feeling Creative

So...sometimes I feel like I want to be creative. I get on Pinterest and go look at new and interesting projects. I get all excited...and then I end up with a "NAILED IT" creation.

If you have never seen the "NAILED IT" creations then you really need to google people's attempts to recreate projects. Heck there is even a Netflix show by the same name following home cooks attempts to bake intricate designed creations.

So I wanted to share my attempt because perfection is overrated.

And here's my creation:

It's unfinished....clearly. Today is also less than 7 days from Christmas. So the likelihood of it getting finished is pretty low as well. So far I've soaked the labels off the bottles and cleaned the bottles inside and out.

Why would I share my unfinished project on this blog you ask?

Simple. It's the behind the scenes things like unfinished projects, unfinished tasks and unfulfilled goals that are never portrayed in television, movies and social media. Because it's never portrayed we are conditioned to think that everyone is doing amazing things all the time. That everyone is just CRUSHING IT, 100% of the time. And it kinda leaves us feeling lesser.

Or we end up with a Nailed IT! project that never looks quite as good as the original inspiration and we end us also feeling lesser.

The lesser we feel after each attempt failed, each project unfinished, each goal incomplete the less likely we are to try something new again. Why bother right? WRONG!!!!

I guarantee behind every television show, movie set or hit social media guru is a bunch of projects they will never show anyone. Ideas started but didn't pan out. Scenes cut from the final project. Things edited and highlighted with various filters to put what may have been a decent job into a whole new light.

My whole point for this rambling blog post is this:

Success comes from multiple failures without losing your joy.

Keep your joy people. Keep your glow shining. It doesn't matter if I ever get these wine bottles to look like wonderful Christmas decorations. This one failure or accomplishment won't be written on my tombstone. But if I lose my creative buzz because of this one failed attempt and never try again, it will change who I am, what lives I touch, what impact I make in the world....and that is a true disappointment.

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