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  • Writer's pictureGlow

Me time

"Me time? What is that?"

Well...I'm glad you asked.

It's the time you set aside to enjoy hobbies, hang out with friends and pursue relaxation. It's NOT a time to: run errands, do chores or work on your to-do list.

Me time is important as a stress reliever. It can help you center yourself, realign your focus and goals and be another overall better person to the people in your life.

"But glow, no one has an abundance of time to just sit around wasting! I'm busy!"

Once again. I'm glad you brought up these valid concerns.

Let's start with some simple math. 24 hours in a day. 8 hours should be spent sleeping, leaving 16 hours to pursue goals, run errands and do your to-do list. Now lets take 15 minutes per day off your 16 hours of working. For your higher math people that's only 1% of your 16 hours.

"What can you do with 15 minutes a day? "

You can save up those 15 minutes each day and treat it like you would your job's PTO (paid time off). After the end of 7 days you have almost 2 hours that you can pursue things that solely interest you. And just like your job's PTO you have to plan on how you will use it. Try to be intentional with your time scheduling things in advance so you don't waste your time hunting down babysitters or having long waits for walk in appointments to spas and restaurants.

"Spas and restaurants? I don't have money like that to spend each week! And I have kids!

I can't pay a babysitter to go running around the city like that."

I'm starting to see a trend here with your excus....I mean concerns. The point of treating your me-time like PTO time, is so you can plan it appropriately. Take a few minutes to do some research. Many times churches, YMCA's, community centers and schools have special events like "Parents day out" which for free or a nominal fee will watch your little ones for you. Don't feel comfortable with strangers? Understandable. Find play date options with people you can trust. Can't trust anyone with your kids? Well it seems you have a bigger problem then I can solve with a blog post.

Long story short. Life is short. Years speed by without you knowing it and stress can kill. It's important to take time for yourself and not allow excuses of time or money to handicap you with anxiety and health problems down the road.

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