It's important to take mental health breaks.
With restrictions in place it's not always so easy to simply go to a spa, library or gym now of days so it's easy to get overwhelmed if you're not familiar with finding alternative solutions to public places.
This last two months I've had to take a few breaks from this blog.
Do I love putting words of encouragement to the general world? Yes.
Did I start this page as a small step into consistent writing on a public platform? Yes.
Did life smack us all in the face and make us look twice at 2020? Yes.
So I took some time away.
4 options for mental health breaks became very apparent to me during those breaks and maybe they will be able to help you as well.
Planting and generally being outside. This last month I ordered seeds online, cleaned out my garden shed and found left over supplies and re-pursed a few supplies and me and my kids planted every sort of veggie, flowering container gardens and a few fruit trees (that a local nursery allowed pick up). It's something about smelling nature. Nature can recenter you, remind you that you are a tiny person in a great big world and no one person is meant to solve it all but you can breathe again knowing your still here for a purpose and that temporary hardship will just make you come out stronger. (....Oh shoot, that's what I discovered being outside, I'm sure you will find your own personal revelation.) Just try it.
2. Spending time with pets. Right now we have 2 dogs and a small dog that we keep for a family member out of town. We also have a turtle, 5 chickens and a few stray cats that call my house home. Now that everyone is home more its fun to throw balls, play caught or just cuddle with these small companions. Even untrained pets can be a source of stress reduction.
3. Puzzles, Coloring and Journal writing. Sometimes you can't do anything about what is coming your way and you honestly want to not think about it anymore. I found that picking up some of my kids unused crayons and some printer paper was all I needed to just not think. Like with this blog, writing down things frees them from my brain and reduces my blood pressure. Does it make it go away? NO. But I can re-approach the situation with a clear mind.
4. Taking a nice soak in the bathtub. I know not everyone has one of these gems, but even a foot bath in a quiet room can work. Set the mood however you want. Remind everyone of your time of peace so you are least likely to be disturbed and just soak. Sometimes mental anxiety and stress can have physical manifestations. Tiredness, aches and pains, tight muscles, etc. Let your mind rest and your body start decompressing to reset to your natural state again.
I hope these 4 tips help you as much as its helped me during this time.