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Story Time: Tammy part 1

Tammy is a 32 year old woman. She's unmarried, but has a good support of friends and family surrounding her. She's worked in the retail field in various positions since she graduated from high school. Overall she says she's happy, but isn't feeling like she's living her best life.

Friends and family have given there advice to various detriment to her emotional health. Her mother says she needs a man. Her friends says she just needs to go out for drinks and no-string attached sex. Her coworkers thinks she needs a promotion. Her social media connections suggest fun exotic vacations.

Tammy is tired of feeling like she's missing something.

What would you tell Tammy?

What advice would you fill in to the overwhelming storm of two cents she's already gets?

Tammy is a fake name for hundreds of women who are in the same situation. Letting life live them and not the other way around. I'm not a therapist or counselor, but I understand being disappointed in life and wanting something much more than what is currently filling your time. Its why I created glow life. Sometimes you kinda feel lost even surrounded by everything important.

My advice to Tammy? Wake up early and see the sunrise. Stay up late and count the stars.

Start by slowing down. Not missing the little things like the feel of the sun on your skin. Start with simple pleasures and simple pains. Will slowing down answer all of life's questions for you? NO!!!!! NOT in the least. But it will drop you out of the mundane routine for just long enough for you to look around at your life and see what your doing with your time, money and energy. To figure out if any other those things are truly important or just time fillers. It'll give you a starting ground to start censoring things from your life that doesn't bring joy or impact the world for the better.

Tammy takes my advice. She starts waking up at 5 a.m. every morning to see the sunrise. Because she does this a few days in a row she realizes that her mood changes the closer it gets to leaving for work. She starts jotting down this note and over a series of weeks realizes that she's not happy in her job, she doesn't actually enjoy hanging out with one of the women in her friend's group and that her stomach isn't really all that happy with spicy foods. This takes her down the road to change.

And taking that first step of change is all Tammy needed in order to start living the glow life.

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